NITAN Terms of Reference

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The National Inclusive Transport Advocacy Network (NITAN) will represent the national voice of people with disability advocating for accessible and inclusive public transport systems across Australia.


1.     Community inclusion –

Promote the ethos that full, equal community integration of people with a disability is not possible without a completely accessible ‘whole of journey’ public transport system Australia wide and advocate this position to all governments, industry and community stakeholders.

2.     Influence –

Ensure that the voices of people with disability are heard in the design and shaping of public transport systems across Australia, and in their day to day operations.

Support others with requisite experience and qualifications as they advocate on public transport issues encompassing a “nothing about us without us” approach.

3.     Alliances –

Build a strong network of allies and rally the many voices of people with disability to speak as one national voice.

In order to achieve its Purpose and Objectives NITAN will:

  • Align itself fully with the goals of the National Disability Strategy
  • Develop a national strategic disability transport plan and discussion paper on national disability transport issues
  • Provide a national voice and connection for people with disability and associated organisations who conduct transport advocacy
  • Educate people with disability and advocates on their transport rights as well as national/international best practice for public transport services
  • Ensure that state and territory based transport advocacy groups can feed into a national advocacy network that is independent and bi- partisan
  • Share ideas between transport advocates across states and territories and between disability transport advocates and the Federal government
  • Address relevant transport issues that fall outside of the scope of the National Accessible Public Transport Advisory Committee (NAPTAC)
  • Provide input and feedback on issues to the disability advocate representatives on NAPTAC
  • Use traditional and emerging media to raise public awareness of public transport issues facing people with disability
  • Act as a collection and distribution point for the stories of people with disability, which can be used by transport advocates, the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and others to consider possible legal test cases.
  • Raise to public prominence individual issues and cases concerning public transport via digital petitions and other mediums
  • Provide advice or training to members on how to effectively engage on transport issues with Ministers and shadow/cross bench parliamentary members of all levels of government
  • Enable information exchange between NITAN and state based transport advocacy groups
  • Lend its expertise to collegiate organisations who are advocating for goals that are in alignment with NITAN
  • Act as a repository of transport related information that can be freely accessed and shared with disability advocates
  • Source best practice examples of services, practices, designs from Australia and internationally to use as benchmarks in advocacy/negotiations with governments and/or public transport providers
  • Encourage members of NITAN to become members on local, state and national accessibility reference groups. Seek members on these groups to ensure that, as much as possible, they are created and operating in a user focused, co-design framework


  • Meetings will usually be by tele-conference or video-conference unless the opportunity for meetings in person arises.
  • Scheduled meetings will be held quarterly.
  • Agenda items will be called from all members in advance of the meetings and an agenda circulated at least seven days prior to each meeting.
  • The Secretariat will work with the Chair to finalise meeting agendas taking into account suggestions from members.
  • Notes of each meeting covering agreed outcomes and actions will be circulated to all members within four weeks of each meeting by the Secretariat.
  • Unscheduled meetings may be called in order to address changing circumstances or emerging issues. Not less than two weeks’ notice of unscheduled meetings shall be given, where ever possible


  • Meetings will be chaired by a member either elected or chosen by membership consensus on an annual basis
  • Should be a person with a disability.
  • Cannot be a member of NAPTAC.
  • Will be the spokesperson for the group for any media or public relations work as required

Secretariat and auspice organisation

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) will act as a Secretariat and auspice for the National Inclusive Transport Advocacy Network.


  • Restricted to individuals who are people with disability with an interest in public transport issues and organisations representing and advocating for the interests of people with disability.
  • People with disability must comprise the majority of NITAN members with a minimum level of 50% of all members being PwD.
  • Advocates who are members of NAPTAC can also be represented on NITAN.
  • Membership is free to any person or organisation qualifying that commits to the purpose and objectives of NITAN.
  • Members, including the Chair, do so in a voluntary capacity and no fees or reimbursements are applicable for any work undertaken.

Legal Status

NITAN is a collective group of volunteers who share a specific interest in public transport matters and it is not a legal entity.


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