National Inclusive Transport Advocacy Network (NITAN)

Who is NITAN?

The National Inclusive Transport Advocacy Network (NITAN) represents a national voice of people with disability advocating for accessible and inclusive public transport systems across Australia.


NITAN was established and is auspiced by the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO).  However, NITAN operates independently; it is an unfunded group of people who share a specific interest in public transport matters.


NITAN was established with a core working group of members from the following organisations:

  • All Aboard Network
  • Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
  • Council for Intellectual Disability
  • Disability Justice Australia.
  • Disability Resources Centre
  • First Peoples Disability Network
  • Inclusion Moves
  • National Ethnic Disability Alliance
  • People with Disability Australia
  • Physical Disability Council of NSW
  • Victorian Legal Aid

NITAN is also supported by other state based advocacy organisations and individuals with expertise in legal, transport and disability rights.  We are happy to take input from others with specific expertise when needed.


We aim to be a voice of people with disability on transport matters, however we recognise the disability community is made up of a diverse range of people with a differing range of needs and priorities. We understand to be effective we need to engage with experts in their field. We are open to ideas on how this can occur and look forward to shaping our voice with the disabled communities’ assistance.

Our Objectives

1. Community Inclusion

Promote the ethos that full, equal community integration of people with a disability is not possible without a completely accessible ‘whole of journey’ public transport system Australia wide and advocate this position to all governments, industry and community stakeholders.

2. Influence

Ensure that the voices of people with disability are heard in the design and shaping of public transport systems across Australia, and in their day to day operations.

Support others with requisite experience and qualifications as they advocate on public transport issues encompassing a “nothing about us without us” approach.

3. Alliances

Build a strong network of allies and rally the many voices of people with disability to speak as one national voice.

You can read the NITAN Terms of Reference here.

What does NITAN do?

NITAN aligns itself fully with the goals of the National Disability Strategy.

We provide a national voice and connection for people with disability and associated organisations that advocate for accessible and inclusive transport.

We work to educate people with disability on their transport rights.  We also raise awareness of public transport issues facing people with disability.

We make sure that state and territory based transport advocacy groups can feed into a national advocacy network that is independent and non-partisan.

NITAN Resources

54 Opportunities for Change – Stage 2 Areas of Reform of the Transport Standards

NITAN Submissions

You can read NITAN Submissions on the NITAN Submission page.

How do I engage with NITAN?

You can follow NITAN on social media at:

NITAN on Facebook    Follow NITAN on Instagram    NITAN on Twitter    NITAN on LinkedIn

How do I contact NITAN?

NITAN’s current Chairperson is Geoff Trappett. You can contact Geoff through the NITAN social media accounts.

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