Media releases

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is asking all political leaders and candidates to commit to supporting people with disability and their Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) during the 2019 Federal Election campaign, by committing to the following six key objectives:

1. Commitment to a Royal Commission to address violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect of people with disability across all settings and encompassing all matters raised by AFDO and its members that are not currently in or are lacking sufficient weight in the Royal Commissions Terms of Reference as well as conflict of interest issues with two of the appointed Commissioners. Read more on Commitment 1

2. Commitment to funding the National Disability Strategy and progressive achievement of measurable outcomes at a federal level as well as ensuring this applies to all levels of government. Read more on Commitment 2

3. Commitment to set aside, as a clearly defined reserve fund, the full and ongoing funding of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and to provide any necessary legislation to this effect. This to be at the level required for full Scheme each year, including any funds remaining in the reserve fund from any budget underspend in any given year. This is to provide certainty for all approved participants and for the long term security of the Scheme. Read more on Commitment 3

4. Commitment to people with disability who are not part of the NDIS for continued access to services and relevant supports provided at a Federal and State/Territory level through COAG and other agreements or arrangements. Read more on Commitment 4

5. Commitment to equitable and sufficient funding of all national Disability Representative Organisations to fulfil their role for people with disability and their families; to add value in working with all governments on policy, initiatives and disability issues. Read more on Commitment 5

6. Commitment to equitable and sufficient funding of disability advocacy agencies and its national Peak body to fulfil their role for people with disability and their families; to add value in resolving individual issues and to provide input and data on systemic or other issues for resolution.  Read more on Commitment 6

More information on AFDO’s Political Platform and the six key objectives is available on the AFDO website

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