Accessible Resources


**NEW**  Link to video in Auslan (with captions) by the Victorian Government on the impact of masks for communication within the deaf community.

Auslan resources by the Department of Social Services

Expression Australia is providing regular updates for the Deaf community on the Expression Australia website as well as on the Expression Australia Facebook page.

The National Disability Insurance Agency has a range of Auslan videos available on the NDIS website.

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has posted an Auslan version of their COVID 19 NDIS Participant information factsheet.

The Disability Royal Commission has an Auslan translation of their Statement of Concern about the response to the COVID-19 pandemic for people with disability.

Easy Read and Visual Resources

We have pulled together a list of Easy Read and visual resources about the CoronaVirus.  Please visit this link to access the Easy Read resources 

Resources for people who are blind or have low vision

Blind Citizens Australia has a webpage with information for people who are blind or vision impaired, and are providing weekly updates, and daily Happy Hours on their Facebook page for people who are blind or vision impaired to connect virtually.  Please note that you do NOT need to be a member of Blind Citizens Australia to participate in their Happy Hours.  

There is also an accessible international COVID-19 statistics tracker available for people who are blind or vision impaired.

Vision Australia has a COVID-19 Pandemic Pack available to people who are blind or have low vision.  The COVID-19 Pandemic Pack is a free resource that can be kept on hand for easy reference.  It includes information on how to stay safe and connected with the community, as well as where to find the latest health and government advice.  You can request a free copy of the pack in your preferred format via Vision Australia’s online Pandemic Pack order form.

Resources for First Nations people with disability

Audio files with health messages for COVID-19 in Aboriginal languages are being rolled out across the Northern Territory to cover a majority of language groups. More recordings will be added as they become available.

First Peoples Disability Network has set up a page about COVID-19 CoronaVirus (COVID-19) – Community Information

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